• Certificates of birth of the couple to be married or an attested affidavit issued by a Justice of the Peace or another magistrate at the birthplace or place of domicile;
• Certificate of death of the mother and father, if necessary, where one of the couple to be married is a minor;
• Certificate of death of the husband or wife in that case of a widow or widower remarrying;
• Certificate of consent signed in the presence of a notary by the father or mother who will not be present in person at the wedding where one of the couple to be married is a minor;
• Certificate of granting of a divorce in the case of a husband of wife whose first marriage has been dissolved;
• Translation of foreign documents submitted, being countersigned by the consuls of the country or countries of which the couple to be married are subjects;
• The customary certificate issued by these same consuls;
• Certificate of publication of the marriage banns and of no caveat being entered if one of the couple to be married does not live in the Principality or has not resided for one month without a break on the date of publication laid down by the law is obligatory;
• If a marriage contract has been made, the couple to be married must produce the certificate of the notary who received it (the marriage settlement used in Monaco is that under which husband and wife administer their separate properties).