Monégasque Artist Philippe Pastor to Exhibit in SoHo Gallery, Starting November 19th 2010

Monégasque artist Philippe Pastor will be hosting his first show in New York at the Opera Gallery in SoHo November 19th through December 9th, 2010.
Pastor will present 20 of his recent works, focusing on three series: “The Hearts”, “The Bulls” and his latest series, “H2o”.

This exhibition is his first in a New York gallery. In May 2008 he installed his series “Les Arbres Brûlés” (Burned Trees) at the United Nations Headquarters.

Born in Monaco in 1961, Philippe Pastor is an autodidact.

At a very early age, he was lucky enough to enjoy the company of César, Antoni Clavé and Paul Rebeyrolle.

Established in a former sheepfold in La Garde-Freinet, a small town in the South of France, his approach has always been to work directly with Nature, and to translate Man’s attachment to the Earth.

He has been active for many years on both the international front and in Southern France and has exhibited his works in many prestigious public and private venues such as the 52nd and 53rd Venice Biennial (2007 and 2009).

Protection of Nature and Man’s negligence towards our planet are the main themes expressed by the artist that led him to work on different series, among them, “The Hearts” and “H2o”, which will be showcased at the Opera Gallery NYC.

“The Hearts” collection conveys a crucial message: to destroy Nature is to destroy Man. Each heart painted by Philippe Pastor reports a crime, denounces man’s blindness towards the destruction of the environment.

“The H20” his latest series, is a testimony to the need for the preservation of natural resources. These compositions represent the “water cycle” flow. The title’s scientific connotations, seeks to remind us that Man – like the surface of the Earth – consists of nearly 70% of water and as we know, water is nowadays a sinew of war: this is a geopolitical reality.

These works reflect this paradox, portraying a menacing atmosphere rather than the liveliness and lightness that would be expected.

This set of new artworks by Philippe Pastor is a compilation of the artist’s universe, featuring his favorite themes, elements and techniques.

November 19th through December 9th,2010
Daily from 10.30am to 7.00pm
Opera Gallery
115 Spring Street, 10012 New York
+ 1 (212) 966-6675

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