The Earth Institute at Columbia University has released their annual donor report for 2010 that showcases the ground-breaking work achieved over the past 12 months and highlights initiatives launched or strengthened which have enriched the lives of many people in many poor countries – with the support of numerous partners including the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation.
“We fortified our work on sustainable agriculture, and the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation and Principality of Monaco initiated a new partnership with us to help farmers in Mali secure a more stable livelihood while protecting the ecosystems where they live, and to advice the national government on a landmark new initiative to scale up the Millennium Villages integrated development strategy to 166 of Mali’s poorest districts, “ said Jennifer Swift -Morgan, the Foundation and Corporate Relations Officer.
“Many of our pioneering collaborations around sustainable development and ending poverty also led to key evidence-based input to the United nations’ Millennium Development Goals summit in September…and partners are enabling us to pilot the latest in information and communications solutions to improve point-of-service health care in ways that will inform health systems throughout Africa and beyond – and leading to the head of ICT in the Millennium Villages being named one of Time magazine’s 100 most influential people in 2010.”
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