No foreigner may occupy a private salaried position in Monaco unless he possesses a work permit which only allows him to occupy the post mentioned, as any change of employer, trade or profession entails requesting a new permit.
Formalities of engagement carried out through:
“La Frégate”
2, Rue Princesse Antoinette
Monaco, MC 98000
Principality of Monaco
Tel: +377 93 15 80 00
Fax: +377 93 15 89 74
The employer who wishes to engage or re-engage an employee of foreign nationality must obtain permission in writing before this latter starts work.
This permission may, in addition, be refused if people in the same profession or specialization who have priority are registered with the Employment Office on the lists of those seeking work.
The following order of priority is observed:
- People having Monégasque nationality;
- Foreigners married to a Monégasque woman and not legally separated and foreigners born to a Monégasque parent;
- Foreigners living in Monaco who have already held a job there.
These priorities are meant to protect the local labor force.
In order to allow their application, employers are required to declare any job vacancy to the Employment Office, which will send to them, within four days, a candidate or candidates for the post.
In the absence of a person having priority, the employer may put forward the application of an employee.
The employee must hold:
- If he lives in the Principality, a valid Monégasque residence card;
- If he lives in France, a French identity card or a valid residence document;
- If he lives neither in Monaco nor in France, the applicant must conform to the rules concerning the entry and residence of foreigners.
In this latter case, the employer must establish a work contract for a foreigner worker. This contract, after approval by the Employment Office, will make it possible to obtain the visa required for settlement in the Principality from the French consular authorities of the country of origin.
The formalities for the issue of a work permit are only launched after the issue of a Monégasque residence permit.
From information supplied by the employer, he will receive a pre-printed request for engagement and issue of a work permit which he is required to complete and return as quickly as possible to the Employment Office.
Permission to engage someone is only issued if the person concerned passes a free medical examination carried out by the Employment Medical Service.